Individuals deserve a home where they feel safe and comfortable. However, when they reach their golden years, the home that they are familiar with may already pose hazards and risks. In this article, we’ll discuss the top 10 essential tips on how you can create a safe space and comfortable home for your senior loved ones.
Out With the Clutter
Clutter, especially on the floor, can be slipping hazards for older adults, especially those with mobility issues. To avoid injuries resulting from slips and falls, never leave any item lying on the floor. Another tip is to never run wires on the floor, especially in high traffic areas.
Let There Be Light
Over time, the elderly will experience vision changes. Adequate lighting is essential to ensure that they can walk anywhere within their home safely. Aim to improve visibility by installing appropriate lighting fixtures in strategic locations.
Keep Them Mobile
Mobility issues are common in older adults. Home modifications might be necessary if your older loved ones are having troubles navigating through the home. Installing ramps, stairlifts, non-slip flooring, and handrails can help improve their mobility.
Senior-Friendly Furniture All the Way
Older adults can benefit greatly from using furniture that is suitable for their physical needs. Look for assistive devices that can help make daily activities easier for them. Check out adjustable beds, comfortable chairs, and more!
Keep an Eye Out on the Bathroom
Standard bathrooms are full of potential dangers for senior loved ones – i.e. slippery, wet floors. Adding non-slip mats, grab bars, and even raised toilet seats are already crucial yet helpful steps in making the bathroom as safe as possible.
Preparations for Emergency
An emergency can happen anywhere and anytime. It is not also limited to a medical one – an emergency can be a power outage, extreme weather, fire, etc. You and your senior loved ones should think of, discuss, and have an emergency plan in place. One best practice is to put emergency contact information in conspicuous areas that your family members can easily access.
Socializing for Mental Health
An older adult who is mentally engaged and socially active fares better at home. So, it is important to encourage such a lifestyle for your senior loved ones. You can help them create spaces in their home that are conducive for mental stimulation and social interaction. Also, be sure that they get involved in their community and that you visit them regularly.
Final Thoughts
To create a home that is both safe and comfortable for older loved ones, these essential tips will be your guide. Prioritizing your senior family members’ care and well-being in their own home is important to ensure that they avoid injuries and enjoy an improved quality of life.
Alpha Healthcare encourages you to implement these tips for your loved ones to be reveling in a living environment where they are happy and safe. If you need further help with senior care, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our care team. Visit our website here: