When was the last time someone made you feel like you’ve done the best job in the world? You may find the task less special, but being made to feel that you matter is just invigorating. Don’t you agree?

It gives you that energy and vibrance to get up another day and live. This should be the same level of inspiration we want our grandparents to feel. At the twilight of their years, they could easily feel less noticed especially that their physical functionalities also begin to wane.

If your grandparent is staying with you at home, make the most of every moment by ensuring that they feel your love through these five tips:

1. You can do it!

Promote their sense of independence. As simple as letting them decide on what to eat for breakfast could already help. When they feel that there are still things they can do, even the simple tasks could go a long way in making them feel special.

2. Let’s do this together!

Feeling alone is among the things that seniors commonly struggle with— but you could help ease this situation. Set a time wherein you could do things together. Whether it’s visiting their doctor or tending to their sprouting potato, your presence in their regular activities could already bring great comfort.

3. Thanks for being you!

Nothing still beats the impact of verbal appreciation. Feel free to let your aging loved one hear straight from your lips how much you are thankful that they are your parent or grandparent. The acknowledgment of their role could unload some baggage that could have been accumulated from the past.

4. Stay positive!

It could be a common thing to hear negative expressions from your senior loved one. Take this opportunity to highlight the silver lining in the situation. For instance, if they talk about the struggles of walking slowly, affirm that this simply gives them more opportunity to smell beautiful flowers around.

5. You knew it!

Some persons in their senior years could get insecure about their declining memory. You show your support by doing mentally enhancing activities with your loved ones. Try playing scrabble or chess with them. You could also try playing some online trivia games. Whenever they win or get an answer right, assure them that you haven’t doubted their knowledge at all.

Key Takeaway

Are your grandparents staying with you at home? Are they staying elsewhere? Regardless of your distance, there are many ways to let someone know how much they matter to you. All it takes is that determined first step to take.

It’s a common thing to say that life is like a mist. It is here now and gone later. Grab every opportunity to ensure that your loved ones know just exactly how much they mean to you. Let these five tips get you started. We just got you the ball rolling.

What is that one step you can do take today to make your senior loved one feel that you love them? Do it today.